داستان آبیدیک

complex theoretical construct


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: سازه نظری پیچیده

for obtaining measuring instruments which are sufficiently reliable because they are based on indicators which are comprehensible to the general public.5 On the other hand, 6theorists' , not bound to empirical study but remaining at the level of intellectual discourse, are much freer to elaborate and refine the complex theoretical constructs they are dealing with. In summary, I think that this is how, regarding the conceptualization of complex constructs, the process of cumulation of knowledge should proceed:9 Firstly, the definition of a complex theoretical construct should be expli- cated in terms of a conceptual ideal type model referring to all source material It has been shown above that the 'gap' that exists between the 'theorists' and the 'model' approaches to the conceptualization of complex theoretical constructs can be bridged. complex theoretical constructs can be bridged. regarding complex theoretical constructs.

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